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Cold River Blueberry Vodka

Cold River Blueberry Vodka Wine Details

Description: Cold River Blueberry Vodka is a flavored vodka unlike anything on the market. The alcohol used to make the vodka is produced using the same process as Cold River Classic Vodka, but that is where the similarity ends. We use world-famous Wyman's Wild Maine Blueberries, smaller and more intensely flavored. We soak or steep them in alcohol for several days. After the steeping period, the blueberry alcohol is filtered off the blueberries. We add a miniscule amount of sugar and some water. We then take that solution and mix it into our vodka. There are two critical differences between our flavored vodka and the rest of the market. First, our Blueberry Vodka has only 1% sugar. The rest of the flavored vodkas on the market have anywhere from 12% to 15% sugar.

Varietal Definition
Vodka is one of the world's most popular distilled beverages. It is a clear liquid which consists of mostly water and ethanol purified by distillation — often multiple distillation — from a fermented substance such as potatoes, grain (usually rye or wheat) or sugar beet molasses, and an insignificant amount of other substances such as flavorings or unintended impurities.


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