
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Terrapin Station Winery

Terrapin Station Winery The Diamondback Terrapin, a native of the Chesapeake Bay, is the Maryland state reptile. Once prodigious in number, the Terrapin is facing tremendous pressures on its environment that threaten its very existence. In much the same fashion, small-scale sustainable farming has been a staple around the Chesapeake Bay. The economics of farming are moving it to an industrial model, with the corresponding negative consequences to small family-run operations and impact on the environment around the Bay. This is being compounded further by development, which is converting farmland and threatening the Bay. The Terrapin Station Winery is a small-scale agricultural enterprise that will transform grapes into a value-added agricultural product, wine, using sustainable methods to the greatest degree possible. In so doing, we will bring a "sense of place" back to the agriculture that reflects the long history of the Chesapeake Bay. And by contributing a portion of our sales to research and preservation of the Terrapin, we hope to extend the legacy of the Bay, the Terrapin and the small farm for future generations. But who says that conservation and wine have to be so serious? In developing our winery, we are planning to emphasize fun. We won't talk about our wines like geeks that like to use big, fancy words. While they will have the quality people expect in today's wines, they will be just plain good to drink. Likewise, our winery won't be some stodgy place with people talking to you like you haven't got a clue. Rather, we will use plain language and emphasize all that is good about wine, including eating food and striking up a fun conversation. We expect to open sometime in 2007. In the meantime, we will use the pages to keep you informed of our progress, talk about wine, farming and other interesting issues, and occasionally beg for volunteer help as we work to get established.

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, Elkton, MD, US, 21921 Email:
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louise says...
this is the best wine i have ever tasted! you should come out. its beautiful out here. :)